
Monday, November 29, 2021

The Soccer NZ Pride Team!

 The Soccer Pride Team is a Woman's New Zealand Soccer Team, When they came to our school we got to play soccer games with them and played some other fun games, I dont know the name of the game but its basically having a bib in the back of your shorts and running around not letting people steal it, and you have to try see if you can get someones bib and the person with the most bibs win. I really enjoyed hanging out with them and getting to meet them!:D I know its short but that's all I really had to say:)

Thank You For Taking Your Time To Read This.

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Old City...


This was where I used to live it had malls! shops! everything you needed! and houses of course. until..the ocean!! it kept rising and rising I climbed the building, I got to the top and i was exhausted I sat down, the water! it stopped rising! but.. it had filled the whole city! I was really scared.. then i saw more people! they were sitting down, I ran over to see who was on the building when I got there I saw my auntie and my father then I looked at the other buildings there were so many people. I looked down... Ahhh! a shark was down in the water I looked again there was another one! I ran away from the edge and decided to jump off in the boat that I saw in the water, I jumped I was screaming "AAAAAAAAA!" I landed on a matres on the boat we drove away in the boat. I realised I had fell asleep, I woke up and we were at a island there was a house! the person who saved me was something like josh he was 23 we lived in that house happily ever after!:D Now Im 54 And still Living in The House. and the boy who saved me has sadly passed. i still don't believe it happend  i haven't gone back in years now, i really want to go back.. but i want to keep safe. i was 11 when this happend i was very smart to jump otherwise i might not have survived. the end!


 Over the past 3 weeks on Monday Mashup we have been learning french with Urmi. On the first week of learning french we made a Fortune Teller with different french words in it, the second week we just learnt how to play snap in french but sadly i wasn't there that day. 

Going back to the first week of french we were learning the basics of french so we did like hello in french and that is bonjour and all the welcome french words, Since i wasn't there on the second week we will talk about week three, this week is week three actually this today we did a colour sheet this is a picture of it, it was very fun we got to learn the words and colour them in. here are some of the colours in french - bleu - blanc - rouge - noir - jaune - vert - rose - marron - orange - gris - violet thats all of the colours!, Thank you for reading!.