
Monday, May 25, 2020

Lip syncing! with my friends

Lip syncing! with my friends

Me and my friends Kora Ella and Lyshia we did lip syncing! 
the song we did was baby shark. first i thought of moves that we can do i did not have any ideas but my friends did so we started to learn the moves.

This is the song we are performing to Baby Shark song .

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Writing and Poem

1. During which war did they start remembering fallen soldiers with poppies?
The Great war
2. In which country is ‘Flanders?’
3. Was the poet who wrote ‘In Flanders Fields’ a soldier? How do you know?
Yes because his name is Lieutenant Colonel
4. What is another name for the ‘red poppy’?
Flanders poppy
5. How do you think John McCrae felt when he wrote his poem?
Happy because he is telling people about the war, sad because a lot of the soldiers died
Extra Fact: Poppy Day has been a part of the New Zealand calendar since 1922, making it one of the oldest nationwide appeals.


Good people
Fighting, defending, marching
Brave men saving others

Monday, May 4, 2020


Week 1
by Aria


The year is 2020, March was the month that the world seemed to stop. A terrible virus called Corona was sweeping through the world country by country. Before it could take hold of New Zealand, our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern called for a level 4 lockdown. This means that for 4 weeks, all businesses (except essential services) and school are closed. People are being asked to stay in their homes and stay with their bubble so that the virus can not spread. 

My name is Aria in my bubble is my mum, my dad my dog Alfie and my kitten Moxxy my cat Diago and my sister Bailee. In lockdown, I did chalk art on the drive. Every 2nd day we went for a walk. We played games too like Monopoly sequence and twister. I did baking with my mum. We made a banana cake and cookies and I made cupcakes on my own. One job that I really didn't want to do was tidy my bedroom. It was a mess but I cleaned it. I'm glad I did because it looked great.